
Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

This policy outlines how the Toronto Academy of Education collects, uses, discloses, and retains personal information in the course of its operations. All businesses in Canada engaged in commercial activities must comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). or with provincial legislation. The Academy is committed to the protection of personal information and compliance with existing legislation.


The personal information will be used for the purpose of Academy’s business only, unless an exception is authorized by law, and will clearly be identified to the user at the time of collection.


This policy applies to all Academy employees, volunteers, contractors, students and their parents/guardians, and others who interact with the Academy for business matters and student education.


Personal Information: Any information that identifies an individual, or by which their identity could be deduced. It includes information that relates to: Personal characteristics (e.g., gender, age, income, home address or phone number, ethnic background, family status); Health (e.g., history, conditions, services received); or Activities or views (e.g., religion, politics, opinions, or an opinion or evaluation of an individual).

Key policy provisions

  1. We will only collect the personal information which is necessary for the purpose(s) identified and collects personal information primarily from individuals directly. Primarily, the Academy will use personal information for:
    1. Educational program delivery,
    2. Keep a contact for emergency purposes,
    3. Supporting work and employment opportunities,
    4. Share institutional information such news, events, etc.
    5. Accounting, personal profiles, marketing, etc.,
    6. Share with regulatory bodies. And
    7. Any other activity important to the academy.
  2. Toronto Academy of Education will not use, disclose, or retain personal information for purposes other than those identified at the time of collection, unless required or authorized by law.
  3. Personal information is only accessible by Academy’s personnel and access is limited to what is required for an individual to perform their duties or services.
  4. Our records, particularly those containing personal information, are only retained as long as deemed necessary for the fulfilment of business and legal obligations. Once those obligations have been met, personal information is either deleted, destroyed, or anonymized.
  5. We will make maximum efforts to protect personal information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, use or modification and will restrict internal access to personnel who require such access to perform their duties.
  6. Toronto Academy of Education will always obtain the consent of individuals before sharing their personal information to third parties except an exception is made law.
  7. An individual may withdraw their consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Individuals may withdraw their consent by contacting us and withdrawal of consent may result in the removal of the individual from the program or service.
  8. You are required to inform us if any personal information changes or becomes out of date.


The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice. It should not be viewed as a representation, offer or warranty. Students, learners, and visitors are responsible for verifying the information (such as applicable programs and fees) with the Toronto Academy of Education.