
About Us

Would you like to increase possibilities to further advance your career?

Then your search ends here!

The Toronto Academy of Education (The Academy) is a federally incorporated Canadian educational organization registered in Ontario. It provides superior quality career-focused education and training in professions that are in high demand. It prepares students, adult learners and industry personnel to be successful in today’s competitive workplace. To facilitate work-life balance and ensure accessibility to all sections of society, courses are tailored to meet the needs of the students.

The courses have flexible study schedules and are delivered online, in-person or in hybrid mode. We also provide specialised trainings and webinars. Our professionally qualified instructors are experts from the industry. Our job-oriented programs provide hands on training to get a foothold in the industry. Our programs use the lens of diversity, access, equity and inclusion and have a futuristic approach that focuses on the concept of sustainability.
